Museum Management

Tree on a globe, half healthy/half unhealthy, representing climate change

Redefining Climate Messaging at Museums: Insights From New Research

We know that many museums view themselves as agents of change and advocates for a sustainable future. But climate messaging (and most public discourse)...
A museum with green walls and a tiled floor

The Future of Traveling Exhibitions: A New Opportunity for Your Museum

We wrote about the future of traveling exhibitions not too long ago, and it's time to bring it up again because there's an excellent...
A microphone with podcasting gear in the background.

Podcasts for Museum Professionals (And Recommended Episodes)

You can find lots of podcasts about museums or hosted by museums that are intended for the general public. Productions like The Lonely Palette...
View of a classic museum gallery filled with paintings and visitors

Practical Advice for Dealing With Unruly Visitors

Since the onset of the pandemic, reports of bad behavior in public seem to have skyrocketed. Whether it's problems with customers or students or...
A collection of handmade beaded brooches on a table.

Unlocking Current Trends in Museum Shops

Speakers at a recent education session on merchandise planning hosted by the Museum Store Association noted that "for too long income generation, innovation, and...
graphic illustration of a magnifying glass surrounded by files

Explore These Ultra-Helpful Museum Toolkits

While writing about how to use emotional branding to market your museum a couple weeks ago, we came across (and linked to) a wonderful...
Museum visitors looking at an ancient marble sculpture.

Sustainability in Museums: Where To Focus Your Efforts

An ongoing concern for those in the museum sector has been how to reduce resource consumption and carbon footprints. Sustainability in museums ideally calls...
View of a museum gallery centered on a damaged marble bust, missing everything above the nose.

Sustainability & Museum Exhibit Design: 8 Best Practices

Incorporating environmentally friendly practices and materials should be front of mind whenever you begin designing a new exhibit. As it turns out, there are...