
Empty classroom

April 29 – 30 | Museums & Schools Virtual Summit

How can museums and schools collaborate to create meaningful learning experiences, foster creativity, and engage students? Join MuseumNext for the Museums and Schools Summit, a...
A row of paper cutouts depicting a diverse collection of people

April 28 | Webinar: Creating an Accessible Museum Environment

Ohio Museums Association invites museum pros to a webinar about resources, tools, and best practices available for making museums accessible and inclusive for everyone. Date:...
Work team standing over a conference table, planning

April 9 | Webinar: Building an Evaluation Plan Without a Staff...

How can museum staff at small and mid-sized institutions build an evaluation plan and create systems that close the feedback loop when evaluation is...
Los Angeles skyline

Save the Date: Museum Conferences To Know About in 2025

It's one thing to squeeze a webinar into your schedule at the last minute (especially a free one), but attending an in-person conference takes...
An empty conference room

April 3 | Webinar: Us vs. Them? Creating Healthy Board Relationships

The American Association for State and Local History will host a webinar on building mutual trust and respect between staff and governing authority leaders. Date:...
digital abstract representation of AI

March 26 – 27 | Museum Summit: AI

Artificial intelligence is this year’s biggest tech trend, but what does it mean for museums? MuseumNext presents a virtual summit on all things AI,...

March 20 – 22 | 2025 National Art Education Association Convention

The NAEA national convention is the largest gathering of visual arts education professionals in the world. Programming spans all levels and aspects of visual...

March 20 | Webinar: Executive Orders, Federal Grant Funding, and the...

The American Alliance of Museums will host a timely webinar on the pressing issues surrounding federal funding. Date: Thursday, March 20, 2025 Time: 1 – 2...
Zebra display at the American Museum of Natural History in NYC

March 14 | Webinar: Exhibition Development at AMNH [FREE]

The American Museum of Natural History's Global Business Development launched a new webinar series in January featuring expert insights on content and engagement. In its...
person whiting out sections of printed text

March 13 | Webinar: Censorship and Self-Censorship in Museums [FREE]

The American Alliance of Museums will host a webinar on the challenges present in navigating potential controversy in our current climate. Date: Thursday, March 13,...