Future Chats is a new series from the American Alliance of Museums that is set to explore trends, breaking news, and implications for the museum sector.
The first in the series, Future Chats: Coping With Climate Risk, is a virtual discussion focused on climate change, an increasingly pressing issue affecting museums and our communities.
Date: Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Time: 2 – 3 p.m. CST
Location: Virtual
As trusted institutions with significant influence and resources, museums have the power to help avert the worst-case outcomes, through skillful use of information and thoughtful planning. How can museum professionals stay up to date on climate risk and climate action? How can they reduce their own climate impact, while helping their communities adapt?
After the chat, participants can join virtual discussion groups to explore one recent climate story’s implications for museums and share their own experiences coping with climate extremes in their communities, on their operations, and in their programs.
Note: General portions of this Future Chat will be recorded. Breakout discussions will not be recorded.
- Elizabeth Merritt, AAM vice president for strategic foresight and founding director of the Center for the Future of Museums
- Marcy Rockman, an archaeologist and leading expert in climate change and cultural heritage, with US-national and international experience in climate change science, cultural heritage management, and policy